Photo Album

Archive for September, 2009

Death On My Wedding Night

I love dark, romantic and mysterious mood. Maybe I’m used to read Stephen Kings, watch Hitchcock or imagining that my future girlfriend is a gothic, vampireĀ  looking gal!

Susan, as per my last post, is an awesome girl. She was so sporting, that she allows me to experiment with her till 5 in the morning! She was game enough to pose, in a some unconventional position for a new bride.

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Susan’s Princess Fairytale

People always ask, how do you shoot weddings? What do you you shoot? Good questions, but I don’t really know the right answer. Its so subjective, that if anybody says they only shoot one type of photography are either egoistic, snobbish photographer, or plain incompetent! But if you really need an answer from me, I shoot what ever that’s in front of me, as I see it.

Susan wasn’t my client, I was just tagging along a friend, who is a fellow photographer. Susan was sweet and friendly that i decided I wanted to be in midst of the action. As I wasn’t paid for, I’m free to experiment and do whatever I want!

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Asmara Syahara – Outdoor Photoshoot

Everytime I watch a Disney movie, I always wish that I’m the cool, tall and handsome prince. Not only the costume are stylish, he will also always get the chick!

Hara & Syah wanted something different for their pre wedding album. So we went classic, wayyy historic. Two session was plan, with the first one themed 50’s, old town lover and the second one, themed Puteri Gunung Ledang.

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Freezing the World, One at a Time

Micheal Jackson has been buried. McDonald still fighting McCurry. Freeze Photography is now blogged! After 3 months of planning, sitting, eating, talking and planning, Freeze Photography is now materialized.

Started almost a year ago by Zefri, he concentrated mainly on portraits and events. When he ventured into wedding, he brought in a new way of photography to the scene. Photojournalistic, no flash photography etc. And people loves it. So he decided to set up a team, exclusively for his wedding client.

Freeze Photography, wedding chapter is now a family, three in all. We’re setting up a small base and gallery in Shah Alam. Hopefully it will be fully functional soon. So will be a bit busy this month. We’re crazy, we’re different, but we still need to meet our dateline :p

Wedding aside, it doesn’t mean were declining other jobs!

So bare with us, mark our page, visit us always, see us Freezin’ the World, One at a Time.

The adventure begins!